Why Personal Trainers and Fitness Professionals need to Embrace Variety

There are many, many fitness professionals who are very limited in the way they operate. It is not just about the exercises used, the rep ranges and the style of training. For many FitPros it is just difficult for them to see that not everyone is the same as them. Thsat people are motivated by different things, that people respond to different methods. For others it is dogmatic belief in a training system or just pure bullshit marketing (Fasted Cardio anyone?).

If we ignore specific exercises and look at  some workout structures you can soon see simple changes that can benefit clients and class members.

Get It Done Method

Some people really respond well to formats that allow them to just get the job done. If they push hard the exercise is over. So a simple format would be setting cardio intervals based on distance, not on time. For example:

5 x 200m Sprints on a Concept 2 Rower, 40 seconds rest instead of 5 x Sprints on a Concept 2 40 seconds work, 40 seconds rest.

The actual reality is in terms of speed, distance, pace those two workouts could be exactly the same. Yet some people will respond better to the first. version.

No Rest Method

There are people who think that resting during a workout session is counterproductive. They will quite literally drive you mad if you include too many rest periods in the workout either by ignoring you and carrying on with exercises or just be bouncing around not wanting to rest. Some FitPros recognise the importance of rest and therefore persevere with the exercise then rest method. However, you can achieve rest and satisfy the client in many ways.

Barbell Complexes - Complete multiple barbell exercises, reps can vary, without putting the bar down. Some examples and discussion here.

The client could train legs, then upper body push, then upper body pull then rest. Supersets, pre-exhaust, post-exhaust or active rest such as shuttle runs or body weight squats. The list is huge yet it is so rare to see FitPros mix it up or personalise it to the individual.

The Duration Method

There are people who despite what you tell them, how you explain it, no matter what believe that exercise has to last a certain amount of time. Fro them running for 10 minutes is not enough, even if they struggle with even that. For others completing a quick HIT Circuit feels like cheating, they want more, again even if they struggled with even the short session. The answer is simple, reduce the intensity and up the duration.

Set them a time on any given cardio machine (or outside activity) and just tell them to go as far as they can in that time. If they need to slow down fine, just aim to not stop. Try long AMRAPs (As Many Rounds As Possible) or EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute style workouts.


The key thing is to personalise the workout out, especially PT clients, and ensure that it works both in terms of training but also fits the mentality of the client. Sometimes just changing the structure yet keeping the exercises and intensity exactly the same can mean the difference between and engaged and determined client and one just going through the motions.


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