You are not Weak

Many elements of the fitness industry seem to spend a disproportionate amount of time convincing people, especially women, that they are weak. How often to you see fitness equipment for sale that is supposed to make things easier? Or tiny little dumbells and kettlbells that aren't even heavy enough to hold a door open? The image to the left has a half kilo dumbell! Unless you are recovering from an injury or have a serious injury I can not think of a single exercise were that weight would be appropriate. So if a weight isn't heavy enough to hold a door open yet you are perfectly capable of pushing or pulling that door open then logically you are strong enough to lift a heavier weight. This is the crux of the matter as even people who haven't ever lifted a dumbell before still move heavy items multiple times a day. It may be opening a door, shopping bags, children or even just moving themselves. I have lost count of how many times I have, for example, s...